Dynamic Leadership Part 1: Development of Your People
Leadership in the CPA Firm: a Three-Part Series
Description: Managerial leadership competencies are a must for partners in CPA firms. In fact, how well developed one’s managerial leadership skills are will make a difference in how successful he or she, and indeed his or her firm, will be. This series of webcasts outlines the Succession Institute’s Dynamic Leadership™ model and how you can begin applying it at your firm. The three-part program covers what your role as a leader in a professional service firm entails and how to carry it out. Leadership skill is not something that is genetically determined—you can learn to lead if you have the desire to do so, and this three-part series provides you with actionable knowledge to help you enhance your leadership effectiveness right away.
Title: Dynamic Leadership™ Part 1: Development of Your People
- Challenges leaders face today—the context and the dynamic we all face
- Summary of components of the Dynamic Leadership ™ Model
- What leadership involves
- Beginning to use the Dynamic Leadership™ Model to address your firm’s challenges
- Development of your people
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